
Monday, July 2, 2018

salvation army

salvation army

the salvation army emergency service attend an emergency at least once every day of the year. It responds to people in  terms of a natural disaster. The salvation army providing assistance for a refreshment meals, clothing, and first aid and some times the salvation army will provide shouter for people. But the salvation army just don't help people that have been hurt they the will  people sponsor kid's in need and they will also help homeless by providing food water and blanket's.

Image result for salvation armyImage result for salvation army

1 comment:

  1. Hi Caleb! I like how you included what you already knew about the Salvation Army. You had great ideas during our brainstorm. Just remember that when you are talking about the name or title of something, you need to start the words with capital letters. For example, S on Salvation and A on Army!
    - Miss Birtch


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