
Monday, June 29, 2020


During the last hour, we have been learning about 5 facts that we had to read and write down on paper... for a variety of book's

1. In 1980 Gobbot Damer from Germany constructed the first gas-powered bike
2. scientific test have proven that motocross races are among some of the fittest athletes
3. the first motocross race ook place in surry England in 1924
4. The world record for the longest distance surfed on open water was 3 hours and 55 min by gory Saavedra.
5. Making a big shape with your body makes it harder for the attacker to pass or move
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END of term DTE refletion

DTE 2020
During the last 6 to 7  weeks, we have been learning to develop and code an app on and use various other sites such as scratch, and game fruit to create an app.

My group consisted of
- Caleb
- Greg
- Aron

Term 1
During term 1 we started to learn to use block code. We had the option to make a game on game fruit or get a couple of credits for the scratch assessment. Halfway through the term 1, we got stuck with COVID and we wore forced to stay home. During my time in lockdown, I did less work and pled more games.

Term 2 
during the time out of lockdown, we learned how to use to help us code and create an app. for the last couple of months, we made an alarm clock app contributing ideas and thoughts together to get our final outcome. But every failure and mistake we made we put in a doc and documented it...

During the 6 mounts of DTE, my take away is that I do wish to learn to code and do better but its a time-consuming process, and it not easy our team went through its ups and downs but with perseverance we made it...I enjoyed all parts of DTE there was no part I would change because every part was a good learning experience.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Acid rain

Rainfall made so acidic by the pollution that is caused by factories burning off harm full chemicals and when those chemicals are burnt of they mix in with the clouds wich mean hi leaves of hydrogen ions. acid rain can extremely harm full to the environment around it killing the tree, polluting the water, killing foods, and weakening buildings. acid rain forms when a chemical compound such as sulfur is released into the atmosphere and mix with the water and oxygen and then other chemicals form knowen as acid rain... LINK

1. Set up a petri dish
* Add a few drops of water.
2. Add 1 spatula of sodium sulfide to weigh boat
3. Add 5 drops of sulfuric Acid and quickly put the lid on
4. watch and take photos

The apple skin changes color should change to a white color. 
The Leaves turn a white color because the nutrients have been sucked out.
The universal indicator changed a Green - Red.
Bromothymol blue changed Blue - Yellow.
Blue litmus paper changed - Red.
Calcium carbonate forms together. 

Friday, June 19, 2020


Acid is made up of hydrogen (H+) acid is a neutralizer base also very corrosive, sour and having less than 7 on the pH scale

A base is made of hydroxide (OH-) and releases the hydroxide ions which is slippery to the touch and can taste bitter a base is used for cleaning grime, oil and have more than 7 on the pH scale.

The ph scale is used to show how acidic or basic a water-based solution is an acid has a lower ph scale of 1 to 7 while a base is 7 to 14 and 7 being neutral.

A neutralization is a chemical reaction that is in a base or acid...

First, we started off by getting safety glasses (safety is your number one priority) and we got an indicator and put 10 to 15 drops and mixed it with an acid and base to create a strong acid, base, and nutral...

Friday, June 12, 2020


For the last week, I have been learning about geometry using the site Calculator suite LINK. We have been learning about how to measure angles and the lengths of the shapes.  Using textbooks and the online web...

Friday, June 5, 2020

for the last couple of weeks, we have been learning about creative writing and trying to get better at our vocab, reading, and writing, and ever time we have English we add to our word band and wright a couple of small stories this is what I have done.

Reason why I like writing 
  • It's a way to create a new fantasy
  • A way to exercise the brain
  • Gets the amagonatin pumping

Reasons why I don't
  • It hurts my brain
  • I can think
  • Mind blocks
  • Hard to get ideas 
Red +

Word bank
-Late nights
-Social medea 
-Fixing things
-Google meets


The night becoming day the morning sound of the birds chirping in the early morning hours I fall asleep

The screeching of the spring and the loud sound of kids jumping high higher and higher...

The rusting of the bushes, the soft brees rushing through my hair, the birds chirping and the soft glow of the sun I strolled...
I watched youtube 

I played on my electronics

I had late nights

I jumped on the trampoline 

I had ununcay felling walking around the block

The night becomes day


… just lost

I stood there. It's 12.30pm I feel the storm rolling in. The air is filled with the smell of rotting wood.

Miss Allen: Good job - 3 different kinds of sentences! Great visualisation.

Word association 2nd 

Dog, animal
Black, white 
Tree, oxygen
Bright, dim
Bucket, water
Picture, frame 
Earth, Life
Climb, top
Password, security 
Clean, dirty 
Elephant, big
Water, fire 
School, ed 
Food, energy
NZ, clean 

Sentence starters 

The torrential rain was pouring down. I stood there sachurated the cold wind howling against my bare skin...

I couldn't believe what I was seeing… 

If I could fly I would travel the world

She looked so ridiculous when she put on that dress 

I suddenly woke up to the sound of a baby crying