
Friday, September 29, 2017

Sunken Forest

The Sunken Forest
 The main charters are Cam, Jay, Matthew smith, Paul, Azura and Lewis Armstrong known as Satch.

Cam is the big bully and his assistant jay. 
Matthew Smith was the hero and he was accused of stealing.
Paul and Azura are Matthew new best friends now.
Lewis Armstrong known as Satch he was a Policeman.

The story took place when the dam broke and cam fell out of the little boat and drown. 

What happened - the main plot first Matthew helped out this old lady and she told Matthew to come in side and and she tried to give Matthew money but eh took food next the money got stolen and they thought it was Matthew. When they went to the camp Matthew meet the eel caled else and Matthew gave the eel food. 6 chapters away the dam broke and cam couldn't swim so he drowned and Matthew saved cams life. Now Matthew is a hero but he was not the one who stole the money it was the Plummer and he got a mettle frome the Police.

The best part of the story was when the dam broke open and cam got saved buy Matthew and that's the best part of the story was that because people accused Matthew of stilling and this whole time he was a good kid it was the other people though he was like his dad. 


  1. Hi Caleb, I really like your post on the Sunken Forest. I like how you added all of the characters and what their roles are. I remember when I had to do this as well, It took me a few minutes to write down everything and find the book cover. Maybe next time you could add some photos and proofread your work as I couldn't really understand what you were trying to say. Other than that you did an amazing job. Keep up the great work Caleb.

  2. Hi Caleb, I really like your post on the Sunken Forest. I also liked how you add the characters names in to your post. The Sunken Forest story that we've read sounded really cool, maybe you should add in a photo of the books so then people knows what it looks like.


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