
Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Today our class had went out side to do and activity related to feelings and we pretended to be a can this can was us.

At first I felt like I was stable and was strong and I slowly felt myself going down hill and now I was crying because I was been bullied and I had no other way to let my emotions out so I started to cry. After I finished crying I felt down and not as strong but now i´m getting stronger again.

My experience of this activity was the same as every other a activity except now I know it is OK to cry and it dosent make you any weaker but the can got lighter when we took the stuff out of it. 

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Caleb. I like how you included an introduction and a final concluding thought. Your blogging is getting better each term and I can tell you are taking the time and putting in more effort. I like how you compared to the spraying of the can as tears coming out. This is some great imagery.

    Make sure you proofread before you post, there are some simple mistakes in the wording that I think you could catch by reading over. For example, in your first line you said "and activity" instead of "an activity"

    - Miss Birtch


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