
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Business and enter prize studies (Market day)

During the last couple of months of business and enterprise studies, we have been learning about how to plan and run a business successfully during our journey to the market day we learned that you need to be passionate about your business. 

During the last couple of days leading up to the market, day times got stressful time was running out and we wore unorganized. 

(Strengths) What went well

- We sold all product 

- We made a profit 

-  We all communicated well

(Weaknesses) What didn't go so well 

- Half the team was missing on the day of the market day

- We lost out on the chip idea (no deep fryer)

- We wore unorganized

Next time I would try to be more organized and partisapet more than what I did 

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

during the last week of science when have been making wind racer during the first day of making the wind races, we had to make a plan and make a start on the sail the second day we added supports to the sail and make it thicker to hold the wind and to stop it from breaking when the wind hits it. when we tested the wind race it moved but not as much as I would like, at the end of the experiment out car moved half a meter.if i was to do this next time i would change the size off the sail.

Monday, September 14, 2020

ultra chruch style boat

Caleb, Brayden, Tyson, Summer

in sci, we have been reaching about sailboats and carts, we found out the bigger the sail the more room for the wind co catch we want something lightweight but reliable design plan we want something to adjust we want something that will hold up and have a big sail area