Rainfall made so acidic by the pollution that is caused by factories burning off harm full chemicals and when those chemicals are burnt of they mix in with the clouds wich mean hi leaves of hydrogen ions. acid rain can extremely harm full to the environment around it killing the tree, polluting the water, killing foods, and weakening buildings. acid rain forms when a chemical compound such as sulfur is released into the atmosphere and mix with the water and oxygen and then other chemicals form knowen as acid rain...
1. Set up a petri dish
* Add a few drops of water.
2. Add 1 spatula of sodium sulfide to weigh boat
3. Add 5 drops of sulfuric Acid and quickly put the lid on
4. watch and take photos
The apple skin changes color should change to a white color.
The Leaves turn a white color because the nutrients have been sucked out.
The universal indicator changed a Green - Red.
Bromothymol blue changed Blue - Yellow.
Blue litmus paper changed - Red.
Calcium carbonate forms together.