
Thursday, June 13, 2019

Waves and enegy

Waves And Energy

Describe some common forms of energy...
Energy come in many types of different forms, for example, there is Light energy, heat energy, kinetic energy, and sound energy...
Light energy, The energy of electromagnetic waves. found in microwave's
Heat energy, Caused by the movement of atoms, found inside all hot objects.
Kinetic energy, Is the energy in moving things.
Light energy, Energy produced by vibrating objects.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

3D printing part 1 of 3

For the last 6 weeks in engineering, we wore learning to learn about an engineering design process and what it means soon after we wore to have an idea on what we wore going to make and whats its purpose is and how it will help people...

the design process consists of  

Identify the needs and constraints 
The problem 
Develop, possible, and solution  
select a promising solution 
Build a prototype
And evaluate prototype
Redesign as needed 

hunt for the wilder people

For the last 6 weeks, we have watched an original film called hunt for the wilder people and went into depth with the camera angles and lighting as the film was playing we wrote down certain things that were important in that chapter like Lighting, clothing and camera angles. After we watched the film hunt for the wilder people we wrote down the chapters of choice and wrote it down on our essay plan. after that, we made a start on the essay... and my essay is about Ricky and Bellas relationship.