
Friday, December 7, 2018

The passion project I chose was discovery because I like the I Like to make and to discover new things as well

During the passion project stash on I Learnt how to make a high volosity Lego band gun

During the passion project I had many mistakes but the one that stood out the most was when I was making the Lego gun it was not super strong so it broke quite a bit

Next time I would try the same thing but I would make it look more like a gun and I would try to make it shot one band at a time

My overall thoughts of the passion project I oud do it again and I would try to make a Lego rubber band gun that is better than the one our group made

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

EOTC- Education outside the classroom

28Th of November the year 8s had gathered up to go to a Marie located in the city of Christchurch all the year 8s had been split up into 3 groups 22 of us went into 2 spirit vans and 56-60 of us went into the bus. When we arrived at the Marie we wore greeted by a girl singing and as she sang we came closer and closer to her when we got to the door of the Marie we took our shoes off and put them on the right side of the door because its a sign of respect. when we ented the Marie the girls sat at the back and the boys sat at the front of the girls we do this because if a dude comes in with a weapon the boys can protect the girls.